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Thoughts on Command and Control Warfare

The Generations of Command and Control Warfare
(as told by the prophet)

In the beginning, there was Hand-to-Hand Combat. And the sons of Hand-to-Hand Combat were Rock, Spear, and Sword Warfare. And it was good. And the morning and the evening were called the First Wave, or Agrarian Warfare.

Sword Warfare begat Mechanized Combat. And the sons of Mechanized Combat were Combined Arms and Chemical Warfare and Radio Counter Measures. And Radio Counter Measures begat Electronic Combat. And the sons of Electronic Combat were Electronic Warfare; Command, Control and Communications Counter Measures and Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses. Now the sons of Electronic Warfare were Counter Measures, Counter-Counter Measures and Support Measures. And it was good. And the morning and evening were called the Second Wave, or Industrial Warfare.

On the third day, all hell broke loose. Electronic Combat went into the tent of Technology and knew her. But Command, Control and Communications Counter Measures also lusted after Technology and went into her tent and knew her also. And it was very good. And so it was that her days were accomplished that she should deliver her child, and she wrapped him in strange words and laid him in a paradigm. And they called him Command and Control Warfare, for they knew not who his father was, Electronic Combat or Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures.

And wise men came from the Joint Staff bearing gifts. And they gave him OPSEC, PSYOPS, Deception, Electronic Warfare and Destruction. And Electronic Warfare kicked out all his sons and begat new sons. And the new sons of Electronic Warfare were Electronic Attack, Protect, and Support. And the morning and evening were called the Third Wave, or Information Warfare.

Now let me tell you as concerns those events that are yet to come. Fire will fall from heaven and consume the house of Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses. And the family of Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses will scatter before the fire, and gather to the tribes of Destruction and Electronic Attack. And they will lose their name for all generations.

Verily, I say unto thee, all now be renamed under the umbrella term Information Operations, and do spread this gospel of warfare without killing. And lo, it is politically correct.


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